A few investors favour c ommercia l properties as they usu ally gen er ate higher re v enue com pared to residential p ro perties, a part f rom other benefi ts like lo nger l eases. However, many avoid inves ting i n commerci al property due to its intricac y a nd higher risk , partic ular ly l ooking at ways t o finance the as set. Availing of a commerc ial pr operty loan in A ustralia and f in ancing a commerc ial property pur chase may seem t o be a formidabl e task f or both new and sophis ti cated investors, and one is pron e to feel over bu rden ed. In this article, there a re ans wers to a few of the m ain questions that c om mercial proper ty inves tors hav e in their min ds ...