We all have heard the proverb that “ Morning shows the day ”. Nowadays , all of us can understand that b reakfast is the most signific ant meal of the day. Providing you with a lot of energy and fuel sets the tone for a healthy day. However , wh en you're consum ing this meal, hav ing it in a flawed manner may backfire more compared to consum ing nothing. If you are one of those victi m s of wr o n g b r eakfast ways, then this article is exclusively for you. A few areas have been identified and that need to be addressed as early as possible. The 11 commonest breakfast mistak e s are as fo l lo w s- Trying to Gain Satisfaction from Alcohol . Hope none of us want that the first meal of the day should knock u s out. You must refrain from indulging in brunch cocktails and go ...